Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Careers In Real Estate

With the current increase in the unemployment rate I'm sure many Real Estate Principals are getting a larger number of inquiries from people considering joining the industry. The question is what to do with this inquiry?? Many principals I am dealing with are taking this opportunity to grow their business. The recent change in the market has thinned out the number of agents to a certain extent and the remaining agents fall into two categories. Those that are cemented as solid performers in the industry and will continue to make money through any market. The others are just barely hanging on and hoping and preying for a change in the market. With no end in sight to the current market conditions these agents will eventually fail.

The current economic crisis has seen many many highly skilled people out of work and with some fantastic redundancy payments in their pockets. These are the kind of people that make fantastic agents. It is important that you have a strategy in your business to recruit these new people into the industry. One strategy I have implemented with several of the agencies I work with is to run Real Estate training seminars. These aren't your typical careers night that many agencies are running. These are a full day training course outlining the ins and outs of the real estate industry. It cost people money to attend and they are marketed under my training company AREA Training. It is marketed as independent advice on a career in Real Estate and gives a comprehensive overview of the industry. Not just the good parts.

Charging for this trainig seminar eliminates those people who may not be serious about a career in Real Estate. A principal I work with after advertising for salespeople received 72 applications in 2 weeks. It is just not possible to interview all of these people. So by sending these people through the training seminar they will self eliminate themselves.

Our first seminar we ran had 48 people attend. Of those people 5 went on to join the company I was running the seminar for. In conjunction with this seminar we are running a two week introduction to Real Estate program called RISE. This introduction includes one on one and group mentoring for the first 12 months of the new agents career.

This recruitment strategy has generated some fantastic results and growth for the businesses who have used it. Regardless of your strategy I strongly believe that you are not doing yourself any favours by not having a recruitment strategy in place to take advantage of the current cituation.

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