Friday, September 18, 2009

What you can learn About Real Estate from Australian Idol

I am a big Australian Idol Fan. I am a big fan because I like the way, week in week out the contestants are constantly being judged and growing in their performances. Just imagine if you were being judged in a similiar way at your listing presentations. Would it make a difference to how you prepared or how you delivered your presentation?

On offer to the winner of Australian Idol is a record deal and potentially millions of dollars in income. A seemingly improbable dream and a once in a lifetime opportunity for those lucky enough to make it that far. The top agents in our industry are making well over a million dollars each year in commission. A seemingly improbable dream is happening every day in real estate.

Idol contestants spend every waking hour during the show analyzing thier performances, perfecting their performances. They need to show up at each performance ready to deliver. Do you go to every listing presentation 100% prepared, 100% ready to deliver. Do you analyze your performance? If your performance isn't up to scratch all you do is miss the listing not booted out of the show but if you miss enough listings you will leave the industry.

It amazes me each and every year how they manage to find so much talent. You would think that after so many years they would be running low on talented singers in Australia. There is an endless pool of talent but it's not necessarily the most talented that wins. The winner is the one who takes on board the criticism and advice and who grows their performance to a whole new level throughout the show. The competitor who at the start of the show excels but doesn't grow gets left behind as others really work hard to improve their performance.

How hard do you work to improve your performance? How much effort goes into your listing presentation? How much time do you spend perfecting it? Do you take other agents with you to get some feedback? Do you practice? Do you prepare? If you spend time perfecting your presentation your chances of success will improve. Why just limit yourself to perfecting your listing presentation? Apply the same principal to your buyer appointments, to your open homes, to every aspect of your real estate business. The rewards are there how much effort will you put in to reap them?

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